Monday, March 15, 2010


Well, it is hard to believe but my vacation is coming to an end. I have to get back to the real world, sigh. I will miss all the fun and all the really great people I have met in the chat rooms. Have a great time and remember to keep smiling! I will try to check back every now and again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Outside Looking In

When you have been away from chat for awhile, you feel like you are starting over when you finally get a chance to sneak back in.

The rooms change a lot and the people you call "friends" are gone. It seems like you spend a lot of time watching and looking for a friendly face and when you cannot find what you are looking for you change rooms.

I have not found a lot of time to chat as of late but when I do find time, I feel like I am on the outside looking in. I am starting to think it is not the chat room that has changed, but it is me.