I have noticed that most guys will ask you for picture. I guess the answer is when will he ask. I can pretty much decided if I am going to talk to someone based on when they ask.
If the first thing they say to me is ASL, then I might not even respond. I have that stuff on my profile. I figure if they really want to know they can check it out. Sometimes I post an ANIME picture instead of a real one for several reasons.
When you put up a real one you get two responses, first they tell everyone in the lobby that they think you are really hot and then you get and bunch of unwanted attention from people that are only interested in chatting up a pretty girl or the second response where they criticize what you look like. The second usually happens after you tell them you are not interested in them or if you ignore them. I do not know why I let people get to me but when they are talking about your own personal picture you take it personally.
With an ANIME picture, I have a little bit of a mysterious element. It also gives me a chance to see if the guy is interesting though conversation. After I chat with him for a bit, I have no problems showing my picture. I guess I respect those that do not ask more because I think they are trying to get to know the real me.
I never have a problem answering questions. I actually love it and there is no question I won't answer just be cautious and make sure you really want to know my answer.