Well, I am pretty sure by now everyone knows I am a huge sports fan. I have loved sports every since I was a wee little cherry. I love football, soccer, hockey, baseball and just about any redneck sport. My dad use to drag me around to all the games.
My favorite football team is the Minnesota Vikings and I will warn you I am a pretty serious fan. I am not sure I can be friends with a packer fan so don't mention that if your pom poms swing that way. I am super excited about the new sports room in chat even if the only sport I have really seen is bikini pudding wrestling...oh well, you gotta start somewhere. Now, if I can only get a Playhouse, Playroom, or Playground....we will see.
I played softball, tennis, volleyball, and a little soccer. I was also a cheerleader and a mat-maid so I was into tumbling and playing on the mats. I took a little martial arts as well. I would have to stay my favorite sport now is just running...if you consider running alone a sport! Speaking of run, it looks like this cold rain is perfect for a long jog to the park. Have a great sporty day!!!!