I remember begging my mother to let me have a pet of my very own when I was younger. I promised to care for it and be responsible. She always refused because she said I was too young.
After continuous pleading, I finally convinced her to let me take home my class pet guinea pig for a weekend. I was determined to show her my responsible side.
I made sure he had everything he needed and I even made time to play with him everyday. I forgot the close the door all the way, and the terrier got in the room while I was playing with guinea pig.
This was my one fatal mistake. The terrier attacked the guinea pig and all I can remember doing is trying to separate them. It happened so fast and I tried so hard but I couldn't stop the terrier. My screams alerted my mother and she was there before I could think to call her. I learned what responsibility was that day.
I had to face everyone knowing I wasn't ready for the task I volunteers to undertake. I had blood on my hands and I was so mad at the world. I blamed everyone for my mistake. It took me a long time to forgive.
I think about that day sometimes, about how much pain occurred because I was careless and didn't think. You hold many lives within your hands, be careful who you let in.