I have been in and out of the online world for a bit now. I have discovered many things about myself and the others around me. I guess I have found that I do not like person I have become in this world. I have shut a lot of people out and surrounded myself with what might have beens. I am in a different place right now. People say you have to hit bottom before you can start reaching for the top again. I truly believe I have reached that plateau. I have changed a lot of things since my last post. I guess my thinking about the world is the the one thing I have changed the most. I have to face what I fear and move past what I have created to stand in my way. I am stronger than I thought. I have a lot of regrets but I can't dwell on those. I have to be responsible for me and allow others to be responsible for themselves. I have to fix me before I can allow anyone else in to share who I am. The darkness that surrounds me is fading and I see hope on the other side as I look toward my future. I won't be gone forever but less often is best for me now. I hope for you is the best of what you are seaching for in your path of discovery.