Monday, May 27, 2013

The Serpent

What exactly are you selling?  Your smoke and mirror tricks don't work on me anymore.  I have seen for myself your twisted ways and serpent lies.  I spent too much time under your spell.

 I kept thinking what you were pedaling was exactly what I needed.  In the light, you were the brightest of bright and now with the spotlight pointed on your, I see you are retreating to the darkness for wince you came. 

You ask for an audience to explain what I know.  Oh charlatan, is this your way of tricking me again and a time for you to tell me what I see clearly is just an illusion?  I simply do not have the strength to play this game with you anymore...checkmate, you win!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bitch Slapping

Have you ever noticed that men can be total drama "queens" when it comes to arguing amongst themselves?  I listened to three grown men disagree about something for almost a full hour and they didn't say anything but kept the conversation in the juvenile range. 

I know you are but what am I...over and over and over again.  Nothing was solved and they just kept getting more and more worked up... these three will probably be back at this conversation when they meet again.  I think they really enjoy staying at this level of disagreement and have no ambition to actually solve the problem or move on...makes me want to bitch-slap the lot of them!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wake Up

Do you ever get so wrapped up in a dream that when you awaken you feel a longing for what was lost, the dream? 

I use to have really bad nightmares when I was younger and I would wake up screaming, sweaty, and full of terror.  I learned that I could change things in my dreams and I started to fight back in my dreams.  If someone was chancing me with a knife, I would suddenly spring wings and fly away and soon my night-terrors were a thing of the past.  My dreams started to change and I stopped being afraid.

Now, I hate to get up because I love to just snuggle beneath my sheets with my head in a good dream.  I try to write down some of the topics when I wake up because I believe they are solutions to problems I am having or they would make good topics for future writings. 

Either way, it is a good way to spend your time in bed...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Stroking Feverishly

Do you hop around the internet looking for something sexy or sex, sex, sex?  I notice that my posts that are more sexual in nature get a higher amount of readability.  So do I continue to infuse my writings with little tidbits of sexual innuendo or lay them down as they come to mind?

Words are an amazing thing, I can hold their firmness between my fingers and let my fingertips slowly explore each nook and cranny, sliding and slipping over the surface of my keyboard.
 I can feel them pushing, harder and faster as I stroke feverishly because I know I am about to burst into a new ummmm idea.

It is a part of me and how I write.  I guess it will always be there.  I can't pick my words to draw you here because I wouldn't be writing for me anymore.  I would just be a whore to the oldest profession and I want more than that...but we all know I have a sexual side and it comes out to play a lot...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Warm Bodies

While reading, I came across a reference to Salvador Dali.  I,  of course, had no clue as to who or what a "Salvador Dali" was so I looked it up.  I was pleasantly surprised to see some familiar artwork attached to name. 

This unleashed a curiosity for me to discover more about this thing called surrealism.  I have found a multitude of information and I have browsed through a considerable amount of images to discover that I really like this type of artwork.  I do not think there is a particular artist I like but there is something about the craziness that is so sane.

 I think I will purchase a few to gaze upon because I find they really make me smile~ I hope you find something that does this for you too...and just think, it came from reading a simple book.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Silver Linings

If you ask me if the cup in half full or half empty, I would say half full every time. I tend to look for all the good in things or the positives.  I have had some really bad things happen in my life and people ask me how I was able to move on from those things.  I am not sure I will ever truly move on but I have learned how to deal with them a little better.  It starts by looking for those silver linings and believing things could have been worse.  I am thankful for what I have and I try not to feel sorry for myself or my unlucky situations.  I focus on the good even if it is not a lot to go on.  I am able to move pass a lot and stay focused and positive even when others are trying to bring me down...

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I usually find the topic very easy to write about.  The topic is something that is on my mind and I just put fingers to keyboard and it just flows out.  I will come back in a day or two and re-read what I typed and I find all the errors that I made. 

I edit the mistakes and then move on but I know I might be back to re-read in the future. I know I miss a lot of things but I always try to get the words downs they way I think them and I limit my editing to just the misspelled problems.  I find it funny sometimes that my fingers type a whole different word than my brain thinks. 

The thing that takes the most time is the selection of the picture.  I usually spend a lot of time pouring over art images until I find the one that moves me.  I love to look at beautiful images and there are so many out there, that sometimes I get lost in the process.  I hope you like the images I select and you also find the beauty within them...