Saturday, August 9, 2014


I haven't been to chat in awhile and I had a little time yesterday so I decided to pop in and see what was going on.

I was happy to see a few familiar faces and I enjoyed a pretty interesting conversation about aliens, war, elections, space and BBQ.

I forgot how much I enjoyed exchanging ideas and bouncing silly notions around.  It was a definite high and I do miss it.

I am so afraid of getting swept into the addiction of chat that I think I stay away too much.

I am sure I can find the balance between real life and my online world...I just have to trend lightly.

Friday, August 8, 2014


As I search for the state of the union, I notice that it's focus is on the bad things so I have stopped watching the news.

 It is not like I am not informed about the events in the world but I have eliminated the constant bombarding of negative information.  I know bad things happen but I believe you can focus on the good.

  I guess this makes me a little delusional but I like to think this world is full of more positive things.  We deal with enough tragedy on a regular basis.

 I guess I am putting on rose-colored glasses tinted in positive optimism in the hopes that one in time things will be better...