I invited you into my world once and I shared my core. If you do not like what you see, be upfront and honest, this is the time to walk away.
My universe is a circular path that is inviting and continuous. I am surrounded by people, these are the voices that have reached out to me or those that have pulled me towards them. I know each by name and tidbits of his or her reality. The few satellites that revolve around me are transfixed and keep me grounded.
My friends lift me up when I fall and I am always reaching out so they they do not stumble. It is in this game of Clue where I learn who has my back and who has the knife.
My world is tiered, layered to protect all I hold dear. Through this rabbit hole, the journey advances through passages that debate life's twist and turns, challenge every fiber of being, and encompass a spectrum of emotions.
This is where undressing begins and we strip down to who we are and deliberate if we are willing to take the next step.
We have time to explore each other on this shared journey. Time to make mistakes, learn, and grown beyond what we can imagine. I see you for all that you are and all that you will be and I am with you unconditionally.
I kneel in the center of my world because I have not lost the gravity of the situation, I am here because of all of you. We hold each other together...