Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Lost Ones

Loss is a hard thing and you will never recover from it.  I know what people say, that things will get easier or that you will get over it, but I believe those are just words.  Those words have no meaning when it comes to loss.

Loss creates a void that cannot be filled.  It is a hole, you can try stepping around it or creating a path over it but the reality is that it will always be there, no matter how much you try to move over it.

Creating a path over the hole can allow you to move forward and the further you travel away from the hole may allow you to not think about it as much, but you know it is there.

The more loss we have, the more holes we have.  We spend our lives creating paths away from these holes.  It is time to look back and embrace the fact that loss changes you.  It is also the time to share memories of those you have lost, for memories tie us to the love ones.

We need a little love right now so be brave and share a memory with me...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

True Evil

In light of the latest violence in the world, it makes you wonder why there is such a disregard for human life.

I am saddened and appalled by what I see in the news.  I cringe at the media trying to find an angle to lure us into their ratings war.  Everyone is coming out of the woodwork spouting half-truths to justify their own causes and agendas.

 No one seems to care that innocent lives were lost and these tragedies keep happening.

We are quick to label the killers as evil but we fail to find fault in ourselves for what is happening in the world.  We seem to put more value on pushing our truth than remembering what was lost.

It seems that human lives have value but the amount of value depends on your address.  Why are Western lives lost at a premium and others are merely numbers on a tally board?

This will not change over night but we need to stop seeing the world with a blind eye and open wide to see the truth.

Once the truth is revealed, are you willing to make sacrifices in order to make a real change in the world?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Masterpiece

After slaying my week's worth of dragons, I find solitude in the most unlikely place, my kitchen.

I am so involved and lost when I am cooking and by the time, the dis is done, I feel like I am part of the dish.

I feel like my soul literally connects to it.  I do not talk and no one is allowed to be in the kitchen when I cook.  It is a meditative process.  So much in flow of the procedure.  I forget the world and become one with it.

My creations are only limited by my imagination and the ingredients I have on hand.

There is something therapeutic of creating a culinary masterpiece even if the end result isn't that magnificent. It is the journey and not the destination...