The timeless paradox of how two relatively intelligent people find themselves text to grins chatting on the internet ~ were we pre-destined to meet as part of some grand plan...or just happenstance like the formation of unique snowflakes~ you two meetings are alike...something like that~
Well~ just think about the sheer number of people sorting that must have occurred...because, face it~ we don't chat with every person we meet~ maybe a "hey hi" and a passing hug~ but to delve deeper...what does it take for you to take the next step~ to move pass the small talk and leap into full blown idea exchange... what is it about you that made me step toward you~ what did you see in me that gave you confidence to reach out~
Are we looking for those that compliment or challenge us~
I guess the idea can't really be wrapped up into a neat and tidy package but it is something to think fellow snowflake~