I have noticed an insurgence of impostors in the chat room lately. I am not sure if they think people are so dumb that they don't know they are impostors or they really don't care because they are poking fun at someone. Sometime I think they are comical and at others I want to ignore the pesky little buggers. I have to admit they seem to have mad skills because I can barely chat in the main lobby and whisper at the same time. I am all for having fun but I have to wonder at what expense. I do have one more question. What does it mean to "bust a nut"? I guess I am innocent (don't choke on your drink) when it comes to some things!
bust a nut means:he wants intercouse/sex. Means ejaculating.
From Yahoo Answers.
Thank you~finally a voice of reason to make my life more understandable!!
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