Well, I guess I have heard, "Don't you have a real life!" one time too many. Yes, I do have a real life and thank you for being so concerned. I get up every morning on time and go to work. I have been staying late at work, sometimes as much as 3-4 hours lately completing my tasks. When, I get home I always call my mom and let her know I am still breathing. After talking to my mom, I usually like to work out so I can get recharged. I then take a shower and make something yummy to eat. I enjoy some good conversations with friends over dinner. Sometimes, I play video/board games with friends. I use to spend a lot more of my time studying for class but I am taking a semester off of school so I have some free time on my hands. Now, I could read a good book but I discovered and interactive book...called chatting and I really enjoy it. It is a way for me to have some time for myself because I haven't really had that in awhile. I can't party every night anymore so I look for a little peace. I am dating a little nowadays but mostly just eating and hanging out stuff. I guess if I found someone who I enjoyed more than chatting, you would see me online less often...
How you spend your leisure time is really up to you. If some of it is on the internet at a chatting site so be it, millions of people do so everyday. Don't let people tell you what to do.
Well, people always say stuff. I guess it is up to me how I let it affect me!
I agree 100% u cannot worry about what others think of you, its always going to be the worst things anyway, enjoy life and just...Smile...ur beautiful Cherryjuice..makes me smile anyway:)..
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