Hey Admin,
I told Kellywelly I would write you a strongly worded note demanding a few things so here it goes.
I know you are the administrator of the chat site and I believe your duty is to make sure everything runs smoothly for your clientele. I am aware that there is not a charge for these services you provide but as a fine business man you should appreciate the pride one gets through running a properly serviced product. I am requesting on behalf of the fellow chatters a few changes that will make our time more enjoyable and with happy people you get less hate. I am sure you do not want your chat site to be one of hate.
The first change requested would be adding more color choices. The expanding of the color palette will thoroughly enhance the look of the website thus increasing its value. I would also like to suggest effects such as blending and sparkles. No room can be complete without a rainbow color for those who cannot make a decision on what color they want. Kelly just needs to find her own color that doesn't blind us all (magenta is harsh).
Other change would be the choice of different fonts, I believe one or two more would be all that is required to make writing to others just one step happier. I know you agree that happy people are less likely to cause problems.
Another suggestion, renaming some of the other rooms. I have seen very few people flocking to the kitchen. Most rooms stay empty, almost abandoned, because of the name of the room. If we had a fun name like, Party Central or Fantasy Adult Chat, I am sure the lobby would clear out a bit and those rooms would be hopping. You must agree that more physical activity is important.
The final change requested is power to the people, the ability for chatters to ban creeps when Mods are away. I am not suggesting a full day ban, just a time out. The room would have to agree. Something like if there are 213 people in a room and certain percentage of the chatters put a person on ignore, then the bad chatter would get a timeout for a bit. I know the last one is a bit out there but it can be frustrating between Mod shifts. I would just make sure Mods can't get timed out. No one wants a crowd after them.
This was my strongly worded (wordy perhaps) note. I have given up on the ass icon so I did not add it to the request list. I am not expecting you to actually do any of these things I requested but I just wanted to be heard. I love what you created and you have some pretty awesome things to offer. Do not work too hard and always remember you get to make the decisions and that is the hardest part of the job.
A fellow chatter,
Miss Cherry Cola
Just send admin a bikini shot of yourself, you may be a mod quickly.
I was just looking for improvement of the site not a job interview...
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