Saturday, December 22, 2012


I have shed a lot of tears over the past few months.  I would not say that I was sad or depressed, just that I am alert and observant of life.  There are a lot of things to notice that are worthy of tears.  I try not to wrap myself up in those feelings of helplessness.  I cry to move on and to become stronger.  I cry to feel happy again.  I cry because not all tears are sad.  I new year is upon me and I feel less like crying.  I feel stronger and fuller.  I know I will be fine because I have decided to start blogging publicly again.  I don't have to write in secret.  I can open myself up to others and face all that comes my way.  I started this blog to show the life of a chatter and then it became much more to me.  Thank you for reading and spending time with me.  I hope we can become friends again.


quip boy said...

become again?

i wasn't aware we lapsed :(

Cherry Cola said...

I was talking about writing being a friend not a person.

Unknown said...

I understand how you feel, As I am very similar , tears doesnt make you weak, It makes you and allows you to grow as a person and heal, but if you cry for too long and dont pull yourself together thats where things can go wrong, just remember its okay to cry, but pull yourself back up, keep plodding along and surviving again, and then cry,

thats the key to survival in this crazy world

- El x