Saturday, May 18, 2013

Stroking Feverishly

Do you hop around the internet looking for something sexy or sex, sex, sex?  I notice that my posts that are more sexual in nature get a higher amount of readability.  So do I continue to infuse my writings with little tidbits of sexual innuendo or lay them down as they come to mind?

Words are an amazing thing, I can hold their firmness between my fingers and let my fingertips slowly explore each nook and cranny, sliding and slipping over the surface of my keyboard.
 I can feel them pushing, harder and faster as I stroke feverishly because I know I am about to burst into a new ummmm idea.

It is a part of me and how I write.  I guess it will always be there.  I can't pick my words to draw you here because I wouldn't be writing for me anymore.  I would just be a whore to the oldest profession and I want more than that...but we all know I have a sexual side and it comes out to play a lot...


Anonymous said...

Cherry Cola said...

~Smiles~ brilliant clip!