Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Talk to Me!

I have discovered that I really enjoy talking to all kinds of people and bouncing in and out of chat.  This is really a fun thing for me and it is a way I like to relax right before heading to bed. 

No matter how tired I am, a good day of chat can pull me online well into my allotted snuggle dozing time.  I guess I could read a racy novel or watch something mind blowing on the boob-tube before bed but I like the interactiveness of chatting.  

I have really learned a lot from the people I chat with and sometimes they are things I never thought I needed.  I have learned not to take things online too seriously so you really should not either.  I learned that am not online to make a real in person connection with anyone.  I have enough connection with my offline world but I do try to respond to anyone who makes an effort to stroke a keyboard and join in the conversational jive.  I do not like "private" conversations with people I don't know.  Anything worth pursuing takes time and patience.

I have spent many a day laughing to the point of a wet spot over some witty quip.  I also enjoy some of the links that chat-a-holics post. Here are few that I have resulted in a few unladylike  giggle snorts: Honest Trailer (example) or Collegehumor!  I would love for you to share a few funny videos that have crossed your screen~

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