Thursday, September 11, 2014

Never Forget

I remember that day thirteen years ago when  I watched the adults around me move through the day in sadden silence.  I knew something big happened.  I watched the news broadcasts over and over again with the arms of my family wrapped around me in protective sympathy.

I remember how numb I felt waking up the next day, trying to get though it one moment at a time.  So many things have changed since 2,977 lives were expunged from our world.

Our sense of security has been shaken and civil rights have been trampled on in the name of vengeance.  We are still fighting a war that seems to have no end.  We are more divided now then we were back then.

There is still something, something I remember so strongly it emerged from in the bowels of that horrific tragedy  and let a glimmer of goodness begin to shine.   It was the coming together as a nation..the goodness in people that encompassed our broken world.

It was the strength that brought us back and made are hearts heal.  I still remember that fretful day but I also remember from great tragedy good is born....never forget

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