I have spent a lot of time observing my counterparts and these are some of my conclusions. Men pretty much say what they mean. Their isn't hidden meaning in their words when they say it's over, by George they mean it's over. Women on the other hand are tied to emotions. We connect our experiences to feelings. We are not sure it's over because it doesn't feel like it.
I am convinced that men and women will never be on the same page in life. We are just not wired the same way. How we behave has be carefully formed throughout our lives. Girls are treated with kid gloves and asked about how they feel whereas boys are told to man up and called weak if they show emotions like fear or pain.
My favorite example to show how the sexes are unalike is shopping. If you need a red shirt this is how each sex will get it.
Men will go to the mall find a store, hone in on the shirt section, locate the right size and color and purchase it~ Boom...tracked, shot, and killed~ Hunting of the red shirt took what, all of 10 minutes.
Women will go to the mall with a friend (or man that wants to please his woman), find the said red shirt~ and try it on, asking ~ how does this make me feel and will not buy a shirt until it feels right~ this could take many hours and the opinion of said friend is imperative to purchase~ hence 3 hour tour for one shirt~
Knowing we are different means that we can't change each other but we should simply celebrate who we are...
Best thing we are not the same...
I guess you are right~ but so much time is spent trying to make everything the same~
it can never b the same
tell a girl shes beautiful a million times and she'll never believe you.call her ugly once and she'll never forget it.
Check Wall...You were brought there.
Not my first rodeo~ and probably won't be my last..
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