Saturday, November 29, 2014


Do you think people are nicer this time of year?  

I have to say that I keep bumping into the nicest of people lately and it really has inspired me to do something good in return.  I am not into grand gestures but little tokens of caring go a long way.

I have found that if you smile and say something pleasant you get that two-fold in return.  I have been adding a little more to my tips and making sure I thank all who do something for me, no matter how small it would seem.  I hug a little more and laugh until I cry and I find that this is all infectious.

You can give negativity to the world and I believe you will get that back in return....but if you give something positive from the heart, no matter how will feel the power of good in world and how nice that can really be...


quip boy said...

i believe... you have infected me! someone please call the CDC... (cherry defense corp)

Cherry Cola said...

You know they have an app for that...