Friday, March 13, 2015

Say What?

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know what to say to someone's negative comment or you think of an awesome comeback, however is a day or two later?

I am usually on my toes and I can dish out what is dealt to me, but occasionally I don't know how to respond.

So I made a list of some comebacks I will be using at a later date....

  1. If everywhere you go there's a problem...Guess what?
  2. You should really come with a warning label.
  3. Please cancel my subscription to your issues.
  4. Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning, thundercloud?
  5. Before you judge me, make sure you google yourself.
  6. Some people create their own storms and then upset when it rains.
  7. I guess if you spoke your mind, you'd be speechless.
  8. Don't judge me, I was born to be awesome...not perfect.
  9. Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be.
  10. Where's your off button?
  11. I didn't know you were an expert on my life and how I should live it.  Continue while I take notes.
  12. Some people should use a glue stick instead of chapstick.
  13. It is funny how the people who know me the least have the most to say.

Of course, when I probably need one of these comebacks, I won't be able to reach it...only time will tell.

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