Saturday, March 25, 2017

Running Late

Have you ever had one of those mornings where nothing seems to be going your way?  I was running late to work because I was dealing with some last minute business at home.  I needed to eat breakfast but I didn't have time to make something at home so I decided to stop off at a drive thru.  Traffic was horrible, but not because of some accident or anything that would make sense.  It was slow simply because the clouds were threatening rain...

Of course there was a long line at the drive thru restaurant, but being a little late to work is better than not eating breakfast.  When I finally, pulled up to pay for my order, the employee said, "The car in front of you paid for your order and asked that you have a wonderful day!"  I was totally shocked.  What started out as a miserable morning, just turned into something quite special.  I smiled my biggest smile and realized that a simply act of kindness sure did go a long way.

It was my time to pay that kindness forward...I paid for the person behind me and changed my outlook for day.  Sure I was later than I wanted to be for work, but I wasn't truly late.

Now, whenever I use a drive thru I always pay for the person behind me.  It is the least I can do, because sometimes it is the little things that mean so much...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u should update.