Friday, August 4, 2017


The Chatroom

I haven't been myself a lot lately~ mostly because I have a lot of things on my mind.  I was living life above the clouds and not once did I look down..until that day.  I can tell you the exact moment in time when my world came crashing down and I know I will never be the same again.

Life is so full of twists and turns.  You can't predict when you are going to hit a road block and the only certainty in life is that you will most definitely, hit one.

Now, I must re-adjust to my new latitude and figure out how to find my wings and soar once again.

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out a plan, trying to map out my next move but no matter how much time I put in to this, nothing seems right and I find myself starting over again and again.  I have decided to stop this madness because we both know it is not working.

When we are hurting, when tend to find a place that is safe to lick our wounds and recharge but for me, safety isn't a luxury I have.

I feel alone in a sea of smiling faces.  I know this is not the end of everything but I am finished with making plans and trying to get back to where I once was...I have accepted that I have to invest in a sturdy pair of shoes, because the long walk has just begun...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try to find reasons to smile....