To fight, means to call people out when they are wrong or to fight back blow for blow or word for word. This sounds like the best option. This feels like it would make you strong but when you retaliate, even for a good cause the lines between right and wrong can get blurred. You can become like the one you are defending yourself against.
I know the difference between right and wrong and if I am protecting someone I care about, I do not hesitate to fight back even if it means sacrificing myself. If I were to watch myself in a mirror during those times, I am positive I would not recognize myself. I think we all are like this when it comes to people we care about but what about a complete stranger?
Why do I have to explain my actions? I was asked why I don't condemn people for unscrupulous actions. Why don't I call them out and tell them what they are doing is wrong?
There are times, that I just want to blend in to the crowd and I don't want to make myself a target. I would say that I chose to walk away more than I stand my ground when the people that are being targeted are people that I don't know.
I wonder if that makes me coward because I don't always fight. I don't walk away because of some noble reason...simply because I think it is an easier path. I know I am strong, why do I have to prove it to people who don't know who I really am. Why do I have to always be the hero and not allowed to be a bystander like the rest around me?
In life we must always decide to fight or walk away, I can't say I haven't regretted a decision but I can say that I have always done what I think is right even if you cannot understand why. I will keep making decisions that I feel are right and that minimize the damage or drama around me. You don't have to agree with me, just know in my is the right strategy in that moment..
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