I am convinced that the ideal man does not exist but I am willing to settle for a good chuck of qualities on my list.
1. He has to love his job~ I don't think I could stand listening to how much he hates going to work everyday.
2. He has to be the man~ I want someone to take out the garbage, care for the lawn, and squash the bugs and in return I want to be the one who cooks, cleans and takes care of the man. I get a lot of flack from this one from my girl friends but I like the idea of having one true boss.
3. He has to be sensible with his money~ I am into saving and investing. I have an excellent credit score and I would hope for the same from him. He doesn't have to make more than I do but his head should be in the game.
4. He has to make me laugh~ I admire wit more than anything. I treasure gut wrenching slide splitting almost peeing on the floor laughter.
5. He has to love to chat~ We should be able to talk about anything from politics to bed tricks and nothing should be off limits. I truly believe lack of communication is the reason divorce is so high. People will talk to strangers about what bothers them before a spouse.
6. He has to love his crazy family~ I may not agree with my family but I love them to death. I moved 1300 miles away from my entire family to go to school. I still call my mom 3-4 times a week. I think family is important but there is a line between living your own life and loving your family without it becoming living the life your family wants you to live. If I listened to my family, I would be married with 3.5 kids already! WOW...scary place.
7. He has to be active. I love watching and participating in sports. I love to to stay active and work out, especially running to keep in shape and I am looking for someone to keep up with me.
8. He has to adore putting his hands on me. He has to want to feel, explore, dominate, capture, caress, and relish my body as much as I do his behind closed doors and outside occasionally hold my hand, open a door, or remove a rebellious strand of hair without being asked. I think a strong physical relationship is important but if the other things are there this will come naturally so it is on of the last things on my list.
I think the first step to finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with is knowing what you want. I have dated enough now to know the things that are important to me. I am not looking to fall in love right now...I am just working on my own personal goals and celebrating being single so do not try and fix me up.....lol