Saturday, September 20, 2014


The other day someone brought up the subject of a clock.

Can you hear the mocking tick tock as your seconds are lost?

This really makes you think...where does the time go?  What do you spend your seconds on?

Over the years, as I look back on my multitude of seconds passed, I have to wonder if I used them wisely to better the person I have become.

I guess I realized I was losing a lot of time in chat and wrapped up with chat drama.  Those seconds are gone and I can't get them back.  I don't regret my time in chat.  I only regret staying there so long.

I have tried to limit my time there because I will always enjoy meeting new people online and reminiscing with old friends but I have things to do.

I now focus my time on other things...things that make me a better person...things that don't make me watch my seconds depart with feelings of regret...things that make me happy and make my time worthwhile...


Anonymous said...

well makes me think of somewhere somewhere its five o' clock somebody has their dance off ,,,somewhere somewhere it five o' clock somebody has their dance begin

Anonymous said...

it makes me think of somewhere somewhere its five o' clock ,,,somebody has their dance off,,,somewhere somewhere its five o' clock somebody has their dance begin,,,

Anonymous said...

makes me think of ,,,It's five o clock somewhere, somewhere
There's dancing in the streets because
somewhere, someone is having a dance-off
somewhere, someone is celebrating
and it's five o clock,
five o
five o clock
somewhere somewhere