Sunday, June 18, 2017


Find me: Chat Fantasy

I heard the battle cry off in the distance...and I prepared myself to fight...

You learn a lot about yourself when you are provoked.  How do you respond when you are cornered?  Do you lash out or do you run?

The hardest part for me is controlling my emotions....anger, hurt and sadness, all roll into one~ and the feelings were overwhelming~ I knew I had to take control and find my true self...

I gathered my courage to confront you and I stood my ground.  I know neither of us won this battle but I am proud that I didn't back away, that I looked you in the eye.

I see the reason behind your words.  I did listen between blows and I understand how you were protecting me.  I will heed your words cautiously~ and I will stay true to myself.

I didn't feel alone in battle~ I felt the strength of those around me and I am grateful for their warmth during the coldness of it all~

I know I will hear the battle cry again~ but next time~ I will be ready...

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