Saturday, July 8, 2017

Safety Not Guaranteed


Do you ever want to just get away for awhile? I don't mean going on vacation.  I mean to just slip away from your problems and struggles, even if it is just for a brief moment...

I have been wondering how people deal with obstacles in life...and how do they get through things that seem so daunting, too big to ever overcome.  I have heard that you just smile and move forward but what do you do if you don't feel like smiling...if you just don't want to face the formidable opponent, does this make you a coward or just human?

You know, you can do everything right in life~ and live to the ideal.  You can eat all the right foods, exercise regularly, avoid using drugs or alcohol, study hard and get good grades, treat people right, and live virtuously... you can do all these things and still your safety is never guaranteed~ bad things will still just have to have the strength to get through them...

I am not sure how you do that though...I wish I had the answer.  I look back on my life and see that I have dealt with a lot but I have no idea how I got through it all~ I just did.

I am facing another crossroads in life~ and I am not sure which way to go because both paths look very rocky...I am sure it is normal to be afraid and right now I am numb and I do not know how to smile...I know I can't stay here very long and I must move forward...but I hope it is ok just to rest here for a bit, to take some more time before preceding...


Unknown said...

“Tiger Takes a Step back before it jumps forwards.

So, whenever life pulls you back,

don’t worry its going to lead you forward to a great Victory.”

Cherry Cola said...

Thanks~ I really needed to hear that today~

Unknown said...
