Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Tiger

The Chatroom

A tiger takes a step back before it jumps forward, so whenever life pulls you back, don't worry its going to lead you to a great victory....so in other words, sometimes you have to deal with bad stuff to get to the good stuff.

When you look back on all the times you felt defeated or even when you lost your way, you can see that many of those setbacks turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Sometimes it takes a tragedy, to see the good in things or people.  How many times have you been moved to be a better version of your self, after knowing something unspeakable happened to someone else?

It is okay to take a moment to let things settle in when you are facing a long and grueling path, but don't rest too long...the sooner you take your first step the sooner you will make it to your intended destination...remember to count your blessings along your way because that will make the monsters go away...


Unknown said...

It's not about the destination it's about the journey, path leading us to the destination is much more beautiful than the destination itself,let our eyes feast on its beauty and our hearts content with the pleasure :) enjoy while we can

Cherry Cola said...

If only, people would pull over on the fast lane highway of life long enough to stop and smell the flower blooming along the way~