Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Clock Strikes

As the clock strikes midnight, a new year rushes can only conclude that we have another 366 days to make difference.

What will you do this year?

I know I will make plenty of mistakes...but the question is, will I learn from those mistakes and will it change anything?

I noticed that I do spend a lot of time writing about being happy.  I guess that makes me take a good, hard look at my life and ask those really tough questions like...Am I happy? What would I change, if anything?

I had some really tough obstacles to overcome in my life and I have spent a long time trying to "get over it" but I think I am tired of running from those things.  I think that is time to embrace that part of my life and accept that it is what makes me, well..."me".

For the first time in a very long time, I think I am ready to start a new adventure.  I am not sure where I am heading this year but I know, for me, it will be full of changes.

I hope you find whatever it is your are looking for this year.  I hope your adventure is grand...

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