Saturday, February 19, 2011



The conversation always seems to head into the bedroom or on the kitchen table...don't get me wrong, I am usually pointing it in that direction to arouse some hidden agenda. I like that you can't always detect the true meaning unless your unwrap it a little more. There is always something not shown in the words that are typed but it's always implied. The fun is in the discovery.

You really start to understand how someone thinks from the nature of their response. They are just words typed on a screen but they can scream volumes to an observant pair of eyes. Guard your words carefully~ they may be your undoing~

Friday, February 18, 2011


Do you ever stop and think about all the people that will be touched with your words during your lifetime? Will you be proud of the words you used.

When you are gone, what will people remember about you?

Over time, you develop a sort of "chat family", people you are familiar with. You know their real name and personal things about them. You play and poke and laugh together. You greet them with big smiles and are a little upset when they have to leave, especially if it is a really good conversation.

Have you ever thought about what these people say or think about you when you are not around? What kind of person do they really think you are? What are they thinking when you bounce in the room? I am not talking about the things that are said aloud, I mean the things that are hidden in private thoughts.

I am not saying it should change the way you act or feel but just something to think about...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bouncin' Off

What makes chatting so much fun?

For me, it is the conversation. I specifically like something I call "bouncing off" people.

It is throwing lots of comments into a crowd until someone starts responding to your comments. I try to think outside of the box and come up with something witty but I probably come across as more of a smart ass.

I love when there is a play on words and something has more than one meaning. I know its hard, but it helps when one of those meanings can be a little bit naughty. I guess if you don't know this by now, I can be a little bit of a tease. Shhhh, I would hate for that to get around.

I am there to have fun and not really think about anything too seriously. I wanna bounce around and LOL all night. I love to laugh and when I type "LOL" I am literally laughing. Friends and fun~ where can you go wrong!!! Lots of Licks and Laughs for all!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Funny how life is a series of choices. You make decisions with each breath and spark of thought.

You learn by making mistakes. Well, you learn by correctly figuring out how to change what you did before to get a more desirable result.

No matter how much you wish for it you cannot make choices for others. You can only mold yourself into the perfect image of you.

Listening to others help you guide yourself but ultimately it is always your choice. You have no one to blame but yourself and that can be a dark place.

Look for the light in others and if there is no one then prepare for the darkness.

Growing Up

Have you ever wondered where you lost sight of things that were important to you?

This is my birthday weekend and I am not feeling very grown up or much like partying for that matter. I guess with age doesn't come wisdom.

I realized that I have been spending way too much time focusing on the world of chat and it has taken me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I have been really selfish and thinking mostly of myself in the name of fun.

I guess that happens sometimes but finding balance in life, and in chat for that matter, is the key. If I had all the answers, I would write a book and share them with anyone who would shell out $21.30 but for now, I will just try to keep it wrapped in a very a nice package.

Who doesn't like a big bow on top! Remember: It is the little things that matter most...

Stay safe and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Packers Win!

The biggest debate over the past few weeks in chat has been who will win the super bowl. I had to go with the lesser of two evil and cheer for the Pack. I decided to stay loyal to the NFC. I am sure a lot of people made bets on the Superbowl. I heard a lot of trash talk about it. I only made a couple of bets.

It was an amazing game and the Packers beat the Steelers (31-25) and I was lucky enough to win all my bets. Next time, I should bet for more than just bragging rights!

Well, did anyone else think the super bowl emblem looked liked a giant penis~ or was it just me?