Friday, March 25, 2016

Safe Keeping

I am not a rich person by trade.  I work hard but the ideal life style is not reflected in my paycheck.

 I got some really good advice when I first started working.

My boss told me to try to live on what I make now and when I get a promotion/raise to put that money in savings or investments. This advice has served me well.

I also think you need to be responsible with credit cards. This means paying off the entire balance at the end of the month so that you never get any interest charges.  If you can't afford to pay it off, then you can't afford to have it!

I have learned that you do have to live within your means and you do not need all the bells and whistles to be happy.

We always have to make sacrifices.  You just have to decide if you want to do it now or in the future. I think now, is always a good place to start~for a bright future~ my friend...

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