Sunday, December 30, 2012

A New Place

Sometimes a change of scenery can help you see things in a different way.

 I like to slip away to different places to think.  I love to go to places around my house, like the park.  I have spent many a day on the top of the slide just looking up at the sky, thinking about something big.

I also like to go to the beach because there is something soothing about the crashing of waves and a roar of surf.  I guess the cold really wouldn't keep me away this time of year.  I adore the ocean and the dialog.

I have traveled a lot lately to visit family.  It is a new place to think about upcoming changes.  There is a new year upon us and there are so many paths one can take in life.  It is hard to know which one is the best until you have taken a few steps.  I don't want to get caught up in too much planning or too much thinking.  I do miss the park and ocean and I can't wait to get back home.

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