Friday, January 11, 2013

Foggy Moon Bath

Have you ever felt a little unclear of things around you?  It is almost like rolling in a fog bank where you can see somethings close to you very clearly but things far away seem pretty blurred and hard to make out.

Because the things that are close to you are so visible and easy to navigate, you feel pretty safe and secure and maybe even you take it for granted that you will always be able to see things this way.

Looking out beyond makes you unsure because you can't see what is up ahead and you hold back a little and maybe stay somewhere too long just to hold on to those feelings of safety and security.

I encourage you to take a step of faith into fog, trust yourself and you will find a way to move forward.  You may stumble but you will gain a new understanding of your surroundings.  Hey, don't forget to look back and smile~ you have come a long way baby!

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