Sunday, May 25, 2014

Time to Serve

I spent my whole life surrounded by the military way of life because of my father.

His whole career was spent keeping us safe even if he didn't know it.  He fought battles to tragic to even talk about.

I know because I saw the pain in his eyes when I would ask and he could not answer.

I am lucky I know because every time my dad left he came back to me.  I think about those who never returned or those still fighting.

Ask yourself what you can do to make things a little better for a family in pain this Memorial Day...


Anonymous said...

If your dad was in active combat, and killing people. That's one of things the military does not train it's soldiers. Ask some Iraq veterans what they had to do.And return home to society.

Anonymous said...

My brother was an army ranger, there was a open option he was offered for the green beret training. I've never asked him if he ever killed someone in the line of duty. Probably a too much personal question to ask.