Saturday, February 20, 2016


I am worried about conversation.  Is it a lost art form?

Do people no longer get excited from the melody of words that spark between two people?

 Where is the chase and adventure in exploring new topics?

I look back over the years of how my writing has changed and transformed me into the person I am today.  I still love to communicate with people.

 I still find an attraction to a cleverly put together sentence.  It is not the grammar the excites me but the meaning behind the words.  It is the hidden knowledge of a secret language shared between two people.  No matter where you are, I can appreciate how you have equipped yourself with words and targeted a tantalizing topic.

Your attack is swift and well planned as you drop each syllable in your conversational campaign.  I am not cowering from your word bombardment, instead..I am taking it all in and wrapping myself in the cadence of our conversation.

This is the enjoyment you bring to me every time we exchange our secret language of twisted and pulse quickening art form that I hope is never lost between us...

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