Monday, April 8, 2013

Secret Garden

The long, cold winter has left my garden with thick, vigorous growth.  Now that the weather is warmer, it is definitely time to trim it back a bit.

 I hear that time spent in preparation reduces the time you will spending maintaining your garden over the course of the growing season.

Good preparation starts with this simple plan:
  1.  Gather materials- It should be noted that using the proper tool is always quicker than doing it by hand, but it might not be as enjoyable.
  2. Choose a spot- Be sure to check the moisture level, if it is too wet or dry it might cause a problem.
  3. Mark the boundary-  You might want your garden to be more natural and to encompass the full terrain, or perhaps you might want a smaller, more manageable strip, like they have in France.  If you fail completely with gardening, you can always move to Brazil.  I hear that is a way to go too.
  4. Removal about every three weeks- Trim, shape or pluck out any unwanted growth and keep up the maintenance!

Hoeing Advice: Make sure that your hoe you are as upright as possible to make it easy on your back. The length is key to this. In tests some hoes were found to do better with a longer length than others.

Now that your garden is well groomed anything is possible so enjoy your summer but avoid too much hoeing it can be hard on your back!!


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