Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Force

People use to say,  "Either you are on the bus or you are under the bus!"  I assume the choice is yours and being "on" the bus is where you want to be.

You don't want someone to "Throw you under the bus!"  This means that they take credit for something you have done or point out a mistake you made in a public place. 

These type of people know exactly what they are doing.  They are not nice people and they will say anything to get ahead in this world and could care less on the carnage they leave behind.  You need to recognize this and be prepared to move on.

You should also protect yourself from this type of person.  You should always let people around you know what you have done.  It is as simple as adding someone to an email.  If someone ever tries to throw you under the bus, you must call them out immediately. 

Make sure others hear you when you call a spade a spade and confront the aggressor with the facts. Be prepared to stand your ground.  You should request a sit down with the tongue-wagger and the hirer-ups if it is a work situation. 

I can't guarantee this will always work but standing up to the bus thrower will make him think twice about trying it again.  People should know you are a force to be reckoned with...

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