Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Playground

You know, I haven't posted anything new for several days and the pressure of coming up with something interesting to write, well it is starting to get to me.   

I tossed many topics around in my head but nothing seemed good enough to share.  I almost walked away without a new post.  What changed my mind? 

 I decided to sit down and see where my mind went when there were no rules or expectations.  I just started to write and low and behold I ended up here, with you..

I guess it doesn't matter how we got here....just that we have arrived.  Here our adventure begins...I am curious, what is your pleasure...what makes you smile...where would you like me to take you...

Our imagination is our playground...close yours eyes and let the fun begin... 


Anonymous said...

you said... no rules... nor expectations... our imagination... i say days bygone... in the age of monkeys... sock monkeys... remember those days? you asked where would i like you to take me... i would like to return to that... not go back... but go forward to that... when every breath was anticipated with half an equal and nothing was taken for granted... i made you smile and you made me swoon... let's try again

Anonymous said...

Naked Fridays lol

quip boy said...

and lesbian Wednesday! oh bother... was that out loud (again)? o_O!