Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Getting Closer

Now that the weather is getting colder, it is time to get a little closer to the ones you love.  I read this article about snuggling and this is what I learned...

Well, in case you didn't know it, most girls love snuggle and they are looking for someone who is an amazing snuggler.  So how do you know, if your snuggling is up to par?

You should always make your body look snuggle-friendly.  You do this by showering on a regular basis, make yourself look larger to ensure maximum snuggle space, dim the lights and bring your secret weapon, a blanket, this is kryptonite for girls.

 Wait for your prey to join you, smile and make eye contact~ just don't be creepy but scoot in a little closer to her and enjoy your snuggling time~

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