Saturday, January 31, 2015


Have you ever just skimmed or scanned a post instead of spending time to read everything?

I have found myself doing that a lot more lately.  I guess I do not find value in the words presented before me or I am just eager to find out the ending instead of taking time to following the path of words the author laid out for me.

We are living in a world of instant gratification.  We want everything faster and we have no patience to wait.  What is this doing to us?

We still the same amount of hours in the day but we are always feeling like we do not have enough time.  We need to learn to have patience and take the time to embrace quality of life.  We need to take the time to read without taking shortcuts.  We will always be looking for the quick fix but knowing when to take the long path is the key to finding quality over quantify...happy trailblazing!

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