Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have noticed that I have been online a little more than usual lately.  I can't really explain why.

I tell myself today is a good day to take a break and the next thing I know I am checking my email...which never stops at just email and before long I am in the middle of a conversation about the top 3 horror films of all time.

I guess online is easier than real life sometimes.  It is easy to say what you want when no one is looking back at you.

I have always been a little shy when it comes to large groups of people.  I prefer to hang out with a small intimate group of friends.

I am not one to really do things (social settings) on my own.  I don't like to go out and eat or even see a movie by myself.  I love to share those things with someone else so I am sure it is not surprising that I like to reach out and strike up a conversation online.

Right now, I don't think I am too concerned with my current online regiment.  I am having fun and I believe I have struck a nice balance between both worlds...I just have to be vigilant not to slip into the addiction again...


Anonymous said...

i can understand that feeling,i hate places where people socialize, the internet is a relief for people like me

Cherry Cola said...

Everyone must find their place~